OntologicalLife Coaching

Connect with what you care about most and design a life of meaning and purpose. Discover the type of observer you are and gain insight from what your body, emotions, and language are expressing. Learn to move through self-limiting patterns, habits, and beliefs. Make your dreams happen.

Ontological life coaching not only addresses what you are trying to make happen in your life but how you perceive and relate to your experience.

It is easily likened to mindfulness or a consciousness-based approach to coaching. It evokes “a-ha” moments that wake you up to new insight and self-actualization. The process opens the door to move through blocks more effectively and reveal more of your authentic self.

We all bump up against blocks in ourselves and in various areas of our lives. Blocks can present stagnation and challenge our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. This makes it difficult to gain clarity and create and achieve goals with ease and flow.

By becoming aware of and releasing what isn’t working you gain a fresh perspective of what is possible.

Life coaching can assist with but is not limited to:

  • Self-actualization – uncover and align with your truth. Source what motivates and sustains you.
  • Create your life from a place of intention, personal meaning, and purpose.
  • Navigate life’s transitions – release the old and lay the foundation for the new.
  • Become aware of habituated patterns and beliefs that get in the way, and learn to get unstuck.
  • Develop your personal vision/brand.
  • Initiate a new area of your life and grow it.
  • Begin your passion project.
  • Take more time to fuel yourself.
  • Step into leadership.
  • Don’t miss the gift that is your life.
  • Optimize your potential – personally, spiritually, and professionally.
  • Get organized and make it happen.

Learn to pursue your goals and dreams in a way that sustains and is authentic to you.

Two models to help gain insight:

Observer, Actions, Results (OAR) – The type of observer you are and how you perceive your life experience informs the actions you take which lead to specific results gained.

Body, Emotion, and Language (BEL) – Your body, emotions, and language communicate in subtle and strong ways what is going on within you that you might not be fully aware of. They help you access what is arising through what is presented on the surface.

Through coaching sessions, you get to work toward your goals and self-actualize in the process. Optimize your time, energy, health, workflow, happiness, potential, and success.

Learn more with a free 25-minute consultation

Ontology is the branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of being (Merriam-Webster.com).