Spiritual Healing and Reiki Energy

Connect with your heart and learn to cultivate wisdom and healing. In the process, clear your energy field and relax your mind, body, and nervous system. Realign, and gain insight. Healing is a process of unfolding. Get to the root of what is going on and master new ways of being. Release the past and what no longer serves you. Recover your health, vitality, and wellness.

Spiritual Healing is a process of re-aligning with your deep heart and core essence. In this modality, healing light, energy, and intuitive guidance help restore health to core issues. Learning to be in a healing state can shift the relationship towards oneself as well as the experience of struggles that arise throughout life.

Reiki is a gentle healing energy that envelops you in a loving flow of universal (rei) energy (ki). It clears and smooths your energy field, prompts relaxation, and can bring ease to your mind, body, and nervous system. Reiki supports clearing, refueling, and can assist with integration from other healings or things you are working on.

Spiritual healing and reiki may be used separately or together during a healing session.

Healing is an unfolding and often takes time. It is a miraculous journey back to the core of who you are unburdened by all that has happened.

This work is utilized along with ontological life coaching, creative expression & journey work, and healing interiors to help you breakthrough.

It is time to heal and reveal the true essence of who you are.

The heart yearns to return and know itself.
Access truth, wisdom and grounding through healing.

Learn more with a free 25-minute consultation